Ultron Chiral Columns

SKU : 199f493ab7f3

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 199f493ab7f3 Kategori :
  • Direct racemic separations without derivatization

Use Ultron ES-OVM to separate enantiomers of pharmaceuticals, such as hexobarbital, ibuprofen, and profenamine

Ultron ES-Pepsin Chiral columns are best suited to separate basic compounds that are difficult to separate by other columns

ES-OVM and ES-Pepsin columns contain 120Å, 5 µm silica particles bonded with an ovomucoid protein and pepsin protein, respectively

Both types of chiral columns are usable with reversed-phase mobile phases such as acetonitrile or ethanol and phosphate buffer

Thomas No.DescriptionSize (mm)Particle Size (µm)
2714W10Semi-Prep10 x 1505
2714W11Analytical4.6 x 25010
2714W01Analytical4.6 x 1505
2714W02Analytical, with Guard4.6 x 1505
2714V99Narrow Bore2.0 x 1505
2714W08Guard Column4.0 x 105
Thomas No.DescriptionSize (mm)Particle Size (µm)
2715B08Analytical4.6 x 1505
2715B07Analytical, with Guard4.6 x 1505
2715B37Guard Column4.0 x 105
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription

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