YMC Chiral CD BR Column

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SKU c674304b7b87 Kategori :

YMC CHIRAL CD BR are composed of 3 types of optical isomer separation columns. Each column possesses a-, ß- or ?-bromocyclodextrin as a functional group. Selection from the 3 types of columns enables analysis of a wide range of compounds. In addition, YMC CHIRAL CD BR show different selectivity from ODS because the separation is based on host-guest interaction. YMC CHIRAL CD BR are useful for separating structural isomers that are difficult to separate on ODS.

  • Cyclodextrin type optical isomer separation column
  • Useful for separation of optical isomers and structural isomers
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1206W66DB12S05-1546WTBeta-CDBR, 120A, 5um, 150×4.6mm Column
1206W67DB12S05-2546WTBeta-CDBR, 120A, 5um, 250×4.6mm Column
1181Z46DA12S05-0204GCChiral alpha-CDBR, 5um, 120A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)
1181Z47DB12S05-0204GCChiral beta-CDBR, 5um, 120A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)
1181Z48DG12S05-0204GCChiral gamma-CDBR, 5um, 120A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)

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