YMC HPLC Basic Reversed-Phase Column

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SKU 3fb1366befc9 Kategori :

YMCbasic is a unique reversed-phase column designed for analysis of pharmaceuticals and other basic compounds. YMCbasic utilizes a novel silica synthesis and state-of-art silane bonding to create a column which gives true reversed-phase character, high resolution and excellent peak shape for the analysis of basic compounds.

Application: For Tryptic Digest of BSA

  • Designed for the analysis of basic compounds
  • Utilizes a “neutral” silica support
  • Secondary interactions minimized as much as possible
  • Useful for separation of peptides
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1206Q96BA99S11-0530WTGYMCBasic, 10um 50x30mm Guard Column
1206Q97BA99S11-1546WTYMCBasic, 10um 150×4.6mm Column
1206Q98BA99S11-2510WTYMCBasic, 10um 250x10mm Column
1206Q99BA99S11-2520WTYMCBasic, 10um 250x20mm Column
1206R00BA99S11-2530WTYMCBasic, 10um 250x30mm Column
1206R01BA99S21-0110CCYMCBasic, 20um 10x10mm Guard Cartridge Column, Pk/2

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