YMC HPLC Chiral NEA Reversed-Phase Column

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SKU 1d47cb8d317a Kategori :

YMC CHIRAL NEA(R) and (S) phase optical isomer separation columns. Chiral discrimination is based on the higher-order structure of chiral macromolecules, which includes hydrogen bonds, p-p interaction, hydrophobic interaction, etc.

  • Synthesized macromolecule-type chiral column
  • Elution order can be reversed by selection (R) or (S)
  • Can be used in both normal-phase and reversed phase
  • Useful for preparative separation
  • Available for bulk scale
  • Excellent cost performance
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1206Z77NR30S05-1546WTNEA-R, 300A, 5um, 150×4.6mm Column
1206Z78NR30S05-2546WTNEA-R, 300A, 5um, 250×4.6mm Column
1181Z72NR30S05-0204GCChiral NEA (R) R.P., 5um, 300A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)
1181Z73NS30S05-0204GCChiral NEA (R) R.P., 5um, 300A, 20x4mm Guard Cartridges (requires holder 1205L05)

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