YMC HPLC Polymer C18 Reversed-Phase Column

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PolymerC18 is a C18 column made from methacrylate polymer. It has excellent pH stability and it is useful for separation of basic compounds because there are no silanol or metal impurities to cause secondary interaction. Since p electrons of the carbonyl group or the hydroxyl group on the surface of the base material show particular interactions with solutes, PolymerC18 can show different separation characteristics from silica-based ODS.

  • Utilizes polymer base which is not affected by silanol
  • Different separation characteristics from silica-based ODS
  • Excellent pH stability
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1205C80PC99S10-0104WFGPolymer C18, 10um 10x4mm Ferruled Guard Column
1205C81PC99S10-0105WFGPolymer C18, 10um 10x5mm Ferruled Guard Column
1205C82PC99S10-0310WTGPolymer C18, 10um 30x10mm Guard Column
1205C83PC99S10-0520WTGPolymer C18, 10um 50x20mm Guard Column
1205C84PC99S10-2506WTPolymer C18, 10um 250x6mm Column
1205C85PC99S10-2510WTPolymer C18, 10um 250x10mm Column
1205C86PC99S10-2546WTPolymer C18, 10um 250×4.6mm Column
1205C87PC99S10-3006WTPolymer C18, 10um 300x6mm Column
1205C88PC99S10-3020WTPolymer C18, 10um 300x20mm Column
1205C89PC99S10-3046WTPolymer C18, 10um 300×4.6mm Column

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