ZORBAX High Performance Guard Cartridge

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SKU 68fba02e694f Kategori :

The ZORBAX High Performance Guard Cartridge series has been developed to provide convenient, cost-effective protection for high performance analytical columns. The cartridge components assemble quickly and easily to provide a high efficiency, low dead volume column that seals, with hand tightening, up to 5000 psi (340 bar) or 3000 psi with a PEEK fitting.

The reusable guard column end fitting with integrated 1/16-inch OD tubing adapts the cartridge guard column for direct connection to standard 1/16-inch LC fittings and provides a stand-alone guard column system for 2.1-4.6 mm ID columns. There are two different end fitting options to allow the use of other connecting tubing.

The polymeric guard cartridges used in this holder are specifically designed to make leak-tight seals against metal surface without requiring gaskets. This polymeric material (polyphenylenesulfone) is also more solvent resistant than PEEK.

Guard cartridges are available for almost every ZORBAX bonded phase and can be found in the ordering information for each type of column.

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
2713K200100-1516Finger-Tight Peek Fittings, Beige, 1/16 In., 2 / Pk
2715A04820345-001Exit End Fitting With Integrated Column Connector
2715A05820370-901Cartridge sealing gaskets, 2/pk, RR system

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