ZORBAX Rx-Sil Columns

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 36acc97a2e2d Kategori :
  • Made from highly pure (>99.995%) porous silica microspheres (pore size is the space between the solid silica microparticles)
  • Stronger than other silica types
  • Less acidic than ZORBAX-SIL, lower metal content
  • Low acidity and low metal content make ZORBAX Rx-SIL ideal for normal-phase separation of polar compounds that exhibit poor peak symmetry on more acidic silica
  • Useful for very hydrophilic compounds with high organic mobile phases in HILIC mode

*These columns ship containing reversed phase solvents. Flush with isopropanol before using normal phase solvents.

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
2715A07820400-901PrepHT cartridge hardware kit, 21.2 mm end fittings, 2/pk
2715A08820444-901PrepHT Internal Guard Cartridge Hardware Kit
2715B48840140-901Semi-prep guard cartridge hardware kit, 9.4 mm ID cartridges (P system)
2715D70877250-101PrepHT, ZORBAX, Rx-Sil, 21.2X250mm, 7um, Cartridge Column
2715E26880975-201Rx-SIL Semi-Prep HPLC Column 9.4 X 250
2715E37880975-901Rx-SIL Analytical HPLC Column 4.6 X 250
2715E56883700-901Rx-SIL Narrow-Bore HPLC Column 2.1 X 150
2715E88883975-901Rx-SIL Analytical HPLC Col 4.6 X 150

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