Rtx-65TG Columns (fused silica)

SKU : 6e7920151156

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 6e7920151156 Kategori :

high-polarity phase; Crossbond diphenyl dimethyl polysiloxane

The Rtx-65TG phase resolves triglycerides by degree of unsaturation as well as by carbon number. Because of the chemistry required to achieve 370°C thermal stability, an Rtx-65TG column should not be used for the analyses of polar compounds.

  • Application-specific columns, specially tested for triglycerides
  • Stable to 370°C
Thomas No Mfr No Description
1170N13 17005 Rtx-65TG Cap. Column 15m, 0.25mm ID, 0.10um
1170N14 17006 Rtx-65TG Cap. Column 15m, 0.32mm ID, 0.10um
1170N16 17008 Rtx-65TG Cap. Column 30m, 0.25mm ID, 0.10um
1170N17 17009 Rtx-65TG Cap. Column 30m, 0.32mm ID, 0.10um
1170N18 17010 Rtx-65TG Cap. Column 30m, 0.53mm ID, 0.10um

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